Welcome to Lent: A Season of Prayer, Repentance, and Renewal.

2021 Lenten Worship Opportunities

Ash Wednesday:

Bishop Michael and his Assistants invite you to gather for an Eastern Synod-Wide Livestreamed Worship Service at 6:30pm EST.  It will be livestreamed on the Eastern Synod Facebook page.  You will be invited to impose your own ashes (be creative – use dirt, water, or just trace a cross on your forehead) The order of service, hymns, and sermon, livestream links and other resources are available at


Midweek Devotions: 

Beginning Ash Wednesday, Pastor Nadine will provide a brief Youtube video devotion on each Wednesday of Lent and on Maundy Thursday.

These will be shared via Facebook or email.

Sunday Worship & Good Friday:

Sunday Youtube videos and a Good Friday video will be shared via Facebook or email