In-Person, In-Building Worship!

Sunday, October 17
Return to In-Person, indoor worship.
– Council has adopted a proof of vaccination policy. Please have digital proof or a paper copy of your second dose receipt ready upon entry
– Please arrive by 9:45AM for registration
– wear a mask at all times
– enter and exit the church via the narthex (front) doors facing Goshen St.
– visit the registration table to confirm vaccination, screening and contact information
– receive and apply hand sanitizer from stationed volunteer
– you will be seated by ushers
– adherence to social distancing is required. Family groups may sit together
– use of hymnals, singing and corporate responses will be permitted
– sharing the peace will be contact free
– Communion will not be administered at this time
– the offices, the hallway, the group bathrooms, and the fellowship hall are restricted areas.
– The single bathroom beside the counting room behind the sanctuary is available with direction of an usher.
– please wait to be dismissed by an usher
– please continue to adhere to social distancing and visit others outside the building
THE LIVE SERVICE WILL BE RECORDED AND SHARED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Those at home will need to adjust to a new viewing time ? Your patience is appreciated!