Summer Pastor’s Message

This is what the Lord God showed me – a basket
of summer fruit. Amos 8:1 – NRSV

The summer months are anticipated as a time to slow the pace of work and find extra moments for recreation and rest. The buds of spring transform into gorgeous blossoms. They won’t last long, so make sure you stop to admire the flowers while they are in bloom! Animals who had spring arrivals now tend to them, teaching their young how to survive, because in a blink they will be off on their own. The sun shines with increased warmth, drawing us out to the water, to the garden, to the patio, to naturally soak up extra vitamin D! Although these months are short, in the summertime we see the culmination of the seasons – mature growth in vegetation, the fruition of all the hard work represented in crops ready to harvest. The beauty of the world is fully expressed in a way that reminds us of God’s awesomeness and abundance.

The church is quieter during the summer months. I encourage you to take time in your seasonal rituals for introspection, prayer, and spiritual growth. Summer can feed our spiritual
side and ripen our faith. We have worked hard all year. We work hard during the summer, too. But breathe a bit deeper and see how God blesses and nurtures you. Let the breath of the
Holy Spirit show you the gifts that come through seeds sown in faith.

Summer blesses our year-long patience with visible beauty and repeated natural examples of Creation’s goodness and
the value of human life.

Reflect, bless, flourish! Love yourself and each other. Remember that all of this goodness is for you! Praise God.
Pastor Nadine