St. Peter's Church Council
Chairperson: Paul Klopp
Vice-Chairperson: Doug Thiel
Secretary: Sharon Sanders
Treasurer: Jen Schellenberger
Peter Bornath
Susan Cordell
Matt Eagleson
Learning: Peter Bornath, Pastor Nadine and Jenni Boles
Service to the Community: Pastor Nadine
Facilities: Matt Eagleson and Doug Thiel
Stewardship: Matt Eagleson
Worship & Music: Chris Eagleson and Jen Schellenberger
Communications: Matt Eagleson and Sharon Sanders
Youth: Pastor Nadine and Tracy Lather
Parish Life: Jenni Boles, Peter Bornath, Mark Heimrich and Ann Steinbach
Cemetery: Claire Deichert, Steve Haberer and Paul Klopp
Green Team: Jenni and Steve Boles, Susan Cordell and Tracy Lather
St. Peter's Ladies: Pastor Nadine, Michele Haberer, Pauline Miller and Chris Eagleson